Our Origin


Pamm Anderson and Pete Vernasco never knew what they were getting into. They bought Olivewood Ranch for the house and not for the trees. It was either bulldoze or figure out how to raise olive trees and produce extra virgin olive oil.

Because the former owners included all the farming equipment in the sale, it wasn’t as challenging as you might think. We developed a tried and true business plan, take it year by year.  Our first year was a learning curve.

Luckily, we met David Picci, a third generation olive farmer from Tuscany. David pruned our grove and gave us many tutorials on the do’s and don’ts of olive farming. Without his help, we would not have had a product.

The first two years we sold strictly bulk oil. Our oil found its way to Japan, through Green Valley Olive Oil. There is a huge market for California grown olive oil in Japan. COOC has set high standards and the Japanese want oil that meets those standards.

After a huge crop in 2015/2016, we bottled for the retail market. This is our starting point with you.  We are a grassroots or should we say “oliveroots” business. Please join us in our oily journey to exquisite foods and healthy alternatives.


2019 Award Winning Harvest


Our Process